Today was one of the few days a year where you don’t need a park pass to get into Acadia. Despite the unbearable humidity and rainy forecast, we knew the park would be packed but decided to go anyway since we hadn’t our last few days off. So we decided to keep it simple and do short off trail hikes where we wouldn’t encounter anyone. It worked, not a single person all day.

We parked near the start of the park loop road and headed beneath the bridge to Duck Brook before taking the tributary stream that feeds it, Witch Hole Brook, emanating from the swamps around the Witch Hole Pond area. Since its been so dry lately the streams were extremely easy to cross. I followed Witch Hole Brook up through the ravine while Jaime hung back, angered by the constant sweating in the high humidity. Since the water level was so low I rock hopped my way up the brook, stopping to take pictures of the tiny waterfalls. In Spring this one will be amazing but a little difficult with the steep banks on either side of it. Even without much water it was still gorgeous.

It popped out on the carriage path around Witch Hole, the only place I saw any other people all day. It turns that stream is one that I’ve always wanted to follow because it flows over a tiny four foot waterfall just off the carriage road. It is also the exact spot I came up with the idea to form the 12 Knights crew within my record label back in 2001. I’ve always brainstormed while hiking and that particular day I came up with something that stuck. At first the 12 Knights were an elite group of top members of the record label who basically ran things, a board of directors. It was something the new comers strived to be part of. Later on, everyone associated with Royal Kingdom were referred to as knights. We upheld higher moral standards both on and off the microphone. It was something that changed a lot of lives and saved quite a few, including my own. I’ve always remembered the exact spot I came up with it, my sister by my side, listening intently as I brainstormed out loud. I was just thinking about that a few days ago and mentioned it to my wife so it was kind of crazy following a stream and coming to that exact location.
We decided to follow Duck Brook up to the secret waterfall rather than drive to Duck Brook Bridge and walk down from there. It was fun rock hopping our way upstream, encountering a few more rapids and small cascades along the way. Even the ‘Secret Waterfall Of Duck Brook’ was rather unimpressive today, but still a beautiful spot, hidden deep in the ravine where no trails travel anymore.
Jaime wore her bathing suit but I had to change into mine, well sort of, my field and stream shorts are basically swimming trunks but I had my underwear on beneath them and had to change. Luckily no one else felt like taking a dip in the pool below the waterfall today because they would have seen my tallywhacker flopping in the breeze. Knowing my soft and fragile feet, I bought a pair of water shoes earlier this summer and boy did they come in handy. The pointy rocks were even too much for Jaime to handle and we had to pass the shoes back and forth between us to walk into the water. The rocks were also extremely slippery but the water was refreshing and surprisingly not too cold. I was able to go right in without my usual ‘brr its cold’ theatrics.

The center of the pool is about five feet deep, perfect for me to stand up straight and keep my head above water. We hung out for awhile, discussing our vacation to New Hampshire coming up in just a few weeks. I also, for the first time in my life, peed in the water. Yes, I’m 31 and have never peed in the pool. But I really had to go, so I pulled it out near the edge of the rocky pool and let it go. Of course Jaime teased me the entire time, telling me I was gross and getting pee all over myself, that I’d smell like urine all day, it’d be on my shorts, then in my nose and hair after I went under a few minutes later. Did I mention she’s the one who convinced me to do it in the first place?

On our way back we followed the abandoned Water Pipe Trail, deciding it would be faster than rock hopping back down the river. The trail brought us high up on the hillside above Duck Brook, eventually ending at the tall rock ledges overlooking the park loop road just after that first big bridge you cross after the visitor’s center. I’d always wanted to climb up those ledges but never had. So another childhood goal has been crossed off my list.
After the sun poked through the clouds for a few minutes while we were swimming, it disappeared for the rest of the day and the mist began to fall heavier. The fog was so thick and the clouds so low, we couldn’t even see the ocean from the park loop road. So we decided not to go searching for The Hanging Steps today, which I’m pretty sure I now know how to get to. The rocks would have been too slippery, considering we’d have to climb a boulder field. Instead we went to Day Mountain along Route 3 in search of Tilting Rock and the Sea Stack. After doing some research I was quite certain I knew how to get there, but we never got there. We found the start of the trail easily enough. It was beautiful, walking through the wet pines on what was once the road long ago. But, we kept following the remains of the road when we were supposed to leave it early on and head into the woods rather than parallel the current Route 3. So we poked around the woods for awhile, crossed the actual path, kept following the abandoned trail and came out back on Route 3. Although a cool experience, it wasn’t quite what we were looking for. Now we’ll know for next time.
We stopped at Blueberry Hill for ice cream on our way home. Jaime got her usual Coffee and Raspberry swirl and I got my usual peanut butter pie but this time I got it in sundae form which was delicious. A good way to end the day.
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